
clayton rollins crollins666 at
Tue Jan 27 10:31:03 PST 2004

On 27 Jan., 2004 "The Last Road Warrior"
             <sirano_de_berzherak at> wrote:
>I want to connect with FreeBSD 5.1 to a Windows XP share, but I'v got the
>following message from FreeBSD:
>syserr = cannot allocate memory
>Why do I get this message?

'Cause it can't allocate memory... ;)

Apparently, samba fails due to a call to malloc not working. I'm not
totally sure why this would happen, and I'm not allowed to give
technical advice here, at any rate.

So... I guess I would recommend you doublecheck your configuration
using the how-to here:

Then, write freebsd-questions with some extra information. (ie.
this doesn't seem to be a common problem, so it may have to do
with your local (OS) configuration. One question I would ask is, have
you raised your security level?)

Hope you get it working,

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