Starting 5.1

DerAlSem DerAlSem at
Sun Jan 25 09:57:58 PST 2004

Hello freebsd-newbies,

  So, i've got 5.1, installed and worked. But today, all the electrik
  power in my house has gone, and both my server and work station
  (WinXP) has rebooted. But Server didn't start.

  Recovering Vi Sessions....

  I've waited about an hour, then pressed ctrl+c... next some text
  gone and

  Starting SSHd...

  So, about two minutes waiting, and again, ctrl+c.

  So, the question is, how to make this f@#king Vi start withour
  recovering it's useless sessions.?

Best regards,
 DerAlSem                          mailto:DerAlSem at

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