BSD Unix vs. Linux

Quintin Riis webmaster at
Wed Jan 14 12:03:11 PST 2004

Slim wrote:

> Where would you start to learn FreeBSD if you were not a software major, 
> or pro, and had no Unix background particularly?  I had no trouble 
> getting the hang of DOS, and put off going to Windoz as long as I could 
> years ago.
> I've been following this list for quite a while, since before 4.7 came 
> out, read the web pages, and am having a hard time getting to the point 
> that I can do anything useful.  Can anyone suggest an organized 
> systematic approach to learning this stuff?  It's almost like learning a 
> foreign language with a different alphabet in that you can't learn 
> anything until you can make heads or tails out of something and you 
> can't make heads or tails out of anything until you learn.
> Maybe it's old dogs and new tricks, but can anyone suggest a good 
> program (no pun intended!) of learning?
> Slim
> At 12:45 PM 1/13/04, you wrote:
>> My problem with Linux was with documentation.  I'm just learning *nix 
>> for the first time and needed a lot of concise information. I found it 
>> hard to pick up a Linux book and be able to figure out "what" was 
>> "where" and how to transfer that information to the installation I was 
>> using....even if I was trying the distribution that came packaged with 
>> the book I was reading!
>> FreeBSD is quite the opposite. I can pretty much "trust" what I read 
>> to be true to what is really going on with any given BSD system I'm 
>> trying to work with.
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