BSD Unix vs. Linux

Ron McCy ron at
Tue Jan 13 12:46:15 PST 2004

My problem with Linux was with documentation.  I'm just learning *nix 
for the first time and needed a lot of concise information. I found it 
hard to pick up a Linux book and be able to figure out "what" was 
"where" and how to transfer that information to the installation I was 
using....even if I was trying the distribution that came packaged with 
the book I was reading!

FreeBSD is quite the opposite. I can pretty much "trust" what I read to 
be true to what is really going on with any given BSD system I'm trying 
to work with.

Mazen S. Alzogbi wrote:

>I have a question that is bothering my brains. Why do people need Linux
>while there are great stable UNIX based systems as FreeBSD out there?
>Please don't get me wrong, I am not trying to say that Linux is not
>good, it's a failure or anything in this regards. All what I am asking
>is, why do I have to learn Linux? (I did for a couple of months and then
>started the FreeBSD way).
>I will appreciate if someone can shed a light on the differences,
>commons, history, etc.
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Ron McCurry
BounceBack, Inc.
1-800-830-5255 ext 4806

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