GNOME is poor, is it?

Lute Mullenix lute at
Thu Jan 8 12:55:24 PST 2004

On Thu, 8 Jan 2004 12:17:06 -0800
Johnson David <DavidJohnson at> insisted:

> In other words, while all the Linux distributions are busy
> trying to figure out what desktop to officially support, at
> FreeBSD we're asking the question "why the heck do we want a
> default desktop anyway?"

Well it's what I ask anyway, and once you learn a little about X
it's not a big deal to change your wm from time to time. Though
I have been using xfce-4 for a couple of months now, it's still
fun to run blackbox for a few days, or Icewm, just cuz.

> > This ain't Windows, so why try to make it act like Windows?
> Oh man, I resent that! If they were like Windows I wouldn't
> touch either with a ten foot pole! Windowmaker, as a plain
> vanilla window manager, has more functionality than the
> Windows "desktop".
> David

I certainly didn't mean to offend, but you make my point with
your statement. Windowmaker as well as most of the other window
managers out there on their own will allow you to have a fully
functioning, and very usable desktop without all the goo-gaas
that in my line of thinking just suck system resources without
really adding anything useful.


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