Ximian's Evolution-like mail client

Lute Mullenix lute at cableone.net
Thu Jan 8 12:24:11 PST 2004

Well you do have some options, I didn't like Evolution all that much, but
Sylpheed-claws built with the spell option is fast and very nice. It also
give you a built in news reader, though I prefer Pan for my news group
uses. You could also try Thunderbird, but it seems kind of slow to me. Or
you could use one of the console mail clients like Mutt or Pine, which is
what I am using at the moment. Spruce was Ok too, but I like having the
spell checker which is why I went with Sylpheed-claws for a GUI client.

Here again, check out the options, install a few and give them a try,
granted that can be a PITA for a while when you end up with mail in a few
different boxes, but that way you will know what one YOU like and you
never know, it may turn out that like some of us, you end up using a
console client for your email chores.


*   Power Provided     *
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On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, Mazen S. Alzogbi wrote:

> Hi,
> What's the best mail client available for FreeBSD like Evolution or even
> Microsoft Outlook for Windows?
> Cheers,
> Mazen S. Alzogbi
> www.MazenAlzogbi.com

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