4.9-i386-mini.iso vs. 4.9-i386-disc1.iso

Olaf Hoyer ohoyer at gaff.hhhr.ision.net
Fri Jan 2 01:05:02 PST 2004

On Fri, 2 Jan 2004, [big5] Andrew Wang wrote:

> Hi all,
> I wanted to try FreeBSD, but there are 2 iso images:
> 4.9-i386-mini.iso & 4.9-i386-disc1.iso.
> What I need is a very small system but with cvs, ssh,
> which one should I download? Also, if I get
> 4.9-i386-disc1.iso, are there any switches or options
> during installation that I can use to get the same
> system as 4.9-i386-mini.iso?


Well, the only difference between the mini iso and the full one is, that
on the full disc1 there are some pre-compiled packages.

The base system etc. is exactly the same. So when you have internet
access from the box, one should also use the ports system to install
software, its the preferred way to go.

pre-compiled packages are nice when there is no real internet access or
the machine is very slow.

so go for the mini.iso

Just my 0.02 EUR

Olaf Hoyer        ohoyer at gaff.hhhr.ision.net
Fuerchterliche Erlebniss geben zu raten,
ob der, welcher sie erlebt, nicht etwas Fuerchterliches ist.
(Nietzsche, Jenseits von Gut und Boese)

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