Time to shut down this list?

Robert Marella marella at hawaii.rr.com
Fri Dec 24 09:32:04 PST 2004

On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 18:52:29 -0800
Joshua Tinnin <krinklyfig at spymac.com> wrote:

> but since I brought it up, I'm willing to offer 
> to do that. I do have extensive experience moderating email lists. But 
> I also think that this list would "work" better if it had a slightly 
> different charter which allowed for entry-level tech questions, and a 
> clause that reiterates all users should be polite to people who ask 
> what might seem like silly questions. 

I also think this would work but any moderator should be extremely 
familiar with what is going on at the -questions list. Whenever possible,
rather than giving a straight answer, the moderator or other respondants
should show a link to where the question is answered or is currently
being discussed on -questions, -stable, -ports, etc.

This would have the additional benefit of weaning the (us) newbies off
of htis list and making them (us) more comfortable with the other

Mele Kalikimaka


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