kern/71142; VESA 1024x768; (Poor Console resolution on Compaq 2103US)

Nikolas Britton freebsd at
Thu Dec 23 16:17:42 PST 2004

Mervin McDougall wrote:

>I have one experience to share as a newbie, that of
>trying to get a proper console resolution on my
>laptop. I chose to stick with FreeBSD  over Slackware
>for my laptop for the simplicity in its init system
>and fewer init levels, its ports and packages system
>which reduces the stress of looking for a file and all
>its dependencies and getting it downloaded, compiled
>and using on my laptop and basically its speed of
>booting- in 2/3 the time it takes slackware linux to
>boot, bsd is at the loging prompt.However,getting the
>proper console resolution was a pain as I favour
>console over X.
>I tried recompiling the kernel including support for
>Vesa by including options VESA and SC_PIXEL_MODE and
>that didn't work.I tried compiling the kernel with
>suppor for VGA_90WIDTH and that still did not provide
>me with adequate space on my screen to get anything
>else done. My console only the center of my screen and
>only occupied a 1/3 rd of the entire screen. I was
>very stressed until I cam across a website of someone
>who had successfully installed FreeBSD 5.2.1 on a
>similar laptop. I contacted him and he explained that
>he had similar problem but got over the issue by
>making use of a patch which allowed me to achieve
>screen resolutions of 1024x768.
>I have gotten over the problem happily but there are
>still some issues that the patch created in making use
>of it as slower performance in switching from console
>to X and the printing of error information when the
>kernel is initiating vidcontrol but I get to use
>console more often thankfully.
>I wish that the freebsd team would look into fixing
>any errors in vidcontrol to get the problem with
>screen resolutions on laptops fixed. I was able to do
>this with ease using linux framebuffer settings with
>slackware but had so much difficulty getting that done
>under freebsd 5.3. 
>I could have chosen to give up and simply use linux
>but I like the way freebsd performs something about it
>is just magically and wouldn't want to miss out on
>using it. I just wish somethng could be done to better
>the performance of the system as is and get rid of
>some of those escape errors. or gett a better patch
>from the freebsd team.
>If anyone has a similar laptop and wants to get some
>specifics about what works and what doesn't feel free
>to visit 
>its pretty informative.
>Mervin McDougall
(For FreeBSD current mailing list and Cyrille Lefevre): What is the 
current status of this patch, is there an updated version of this patch 
that address console slowness, etc., and when will it be MFC'd to 
This is a problem with most ATI RAGE cards including my laptop (Armada 
1750, ATI Rage LT Pro) I have successfully applied this patch to that 
system and can now use 1024x768 at the console, the patch is here:
Please note that at Lines 790, 982, and 1000 are hard returns that brake 
the patch when run though the awk script so fix them before you run 
"qp2txt patch.eml | patch" or "patch <nameofpatch". after I fixed those 
problems the patch applied cleanly to 5.3-RELEASE and I then rebuilt my 
kernel with "options VESA" and "options SC_PIXEL_MODE" and rebuilt 
vidcontrol then typed in "vidcontrol MODE_279", after I tested that to 
see if it worked, I added it to my rc.conf as "allscreens_flags="MODE_279".

For more info about this patch go here and 
read the thread labeled "[PATCH TO TEST] VESA [1024x768] mode support 
for FreeBSD-CURRENT" (08/27/04 - 08/31/04)

Also this resource is very helpful, The FreeBSD Console - Living without 

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