ifconfig for WLAN using WEP

Tyler Gee geekout at gmail.com
Sun Dec 19 15:35:31 PST 2004

You will also need to specify the wep key.  A good way of turning on
wep and specifiying the key is:

ifconfig fwe0 nwkey 0x999999999999

Using, of course, your wep key and and the correct iface.  Tamas is
right that it seems weird that you would be using a firewire nic.  It
is possible though, so just make sure you are using the right one.


On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 15:45:08 +0100, Tamas MEZEI <tamas at bazmag.hu> wrote:
> >       ifconfig fwe0 wep
> This should be a firewire device. Are you sure that you're connecting
> through an ethernet-over-firewire box to your household network?
> I'm not.
> What is the output of `ifconfig` on your PC?
> Tamas
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