Don't use telnet, use ssh!!! (Can't SU to Root on Telent)

Nikolas Britton freebsd at
Thu Dec 16 14:42:51 PST 2004

You do not want to get in the habit of using telnet!!! ssh, to sum it up 
simply, is an encrypted version of telnet. The major flaw with telnet 
(and ftp) is that it sends everything (including you usernames and 
passwords) in plain text, It would be very very easy for me to root your 
box with a simple packet sniffer.

I use PuTTY (ssh client) and Filezilla (sftp client) for all my work on 
windows computers. These programs are both free/open source, 
lightweight, and are very easy to setup and use for a beginner so give 
them a try:

When your on a unix computer you use ssh and sftp respectively at the 
terminal, the basic way they work is like this:
ssh username at hostname then enter your password when it asks for it.
sftp username at hostname, after you login with sftp type in help for a 
list of commands, the important ones to remember are; get, put, lls / 
ls, lcd / cd, lmkdir / mkdir, lpwd / pwd, and quit. the l is for local, 
as in this effects the local host your on and not the remote host.

# ssh nbritton at
# sftp nbritton at

As far as setting up sshd on the server, the only thing you have to do 
on FreeBSD is add (as root) sshd_enable="YES" to /etc/rc.conf and reboot.

And there's only a few thing you need to remember when using ssh and sftp:

1. ssh and sftp work on port 22
2. The SSH2 protocol is better then the SSH1 protocol, use it when possible.
3. You can only login as a normal user and to "su" to root your user has 
to be in the wheel group.

To check if your in the wheel group type in: "id -p", if you don't see 
wheel under groups then your not in it.

To add your user to the wheel or any other groups use this (as root):
#  pw usermod -n username -G wheel

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