changing the shell and editor

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at
Thu Aug 26 09:01:57 PDT 2004

Cody Rioux wrote:

>It is the setenv command if you are using csh or one of its variants,
>however he said that he was using bash, so you would need to export
>the variable using the export command, I belive he already has the
>problem solved though. :)

Well, yes; but "he who?"  If you read carefully the message
below, you see that I was replying to Arek Czereszewski (hope
I spelled that correctly) who stated that "Command set
VARIABLE work in t/csh".

I was simply noting the truth that in csh/tcsh, you have
to "setenv" ... as you see from the example, "set" doesn't
work here (in tcsh)... :-)


>On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 01:33:25 -0500, Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P.
><kdk at> wrote:
>>Arek Czereszewski wrote:
>>>Command set VARIABLE work in t/csh
>>Actually, isn't is "setenv":
>>    <kadmin at archangel> [/home/kadmin/c++/archive] [1:30]
>>    % setenv FOO BAR
>>    <kadmin at archangel> [/home/kadmin/c++/archive] [1:30]
>>    % echo $FOO
>>    BAR
>>    <kadmin at archangel> [/home/kadmin/c++/archive] [1:30]
>>    % set FOOD BAR
>>    <kadmin at archangel>[/home/kadmin/c++/archive][1:30]
>>    % echo $FOOD
>>    <kadmin at archangel>[/home/kadmin/c++/archive][1:30]
>>Hmm, FOOD BAR ...
>>I'm getting hungry ;-)

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