cool thing I found

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at
Sat Sep 27 11:36:23 PDT 2003

Chauncey Smith wrote:

>I found that all the stuff that I wrote to newbies and questions get
>archived. Not a cool feat in and of it self. But what I did find is that if
>you do a web search on my name everything I ever wrote comes up. From my
>musings that FreeBSD is like a lot of my ex-girlfriends to the how to get
>the Archos 20GB hard drive MP3 player to work on FreeBSD to my Dayum the man
>I'm writing drivers letters.
>So wow I'm famous... and the cool thing is everyone else who writes in the
>news groups are too... I'm very happy and excited.....
>Chauncey Smith
Interesting, yes.  'Course if your ex gets palimony or child
support judgments against 'ya, you'll be switching addys
every month or so, eh?

j/k, Kevin Kinsey

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