
Gil Agno Virtucio gihl at nesic.com.ph
Thu Sep 25 17:32:29 PDT 2003

>file, but I don"t want to reboot the system, although I want
>the new settings to take effect.

maybe you can use "shutdown now" it wouldnt change your 
uptime if that's what you are after.then after that your 
system will go to single user mode. it will prompt you for 
a shell you can just use sh. and  just type "exit" at the 
prompt or "ctrl+d"

>How can I change a servers IP address without a reboot? I
>don't want to use the old one, just the new.

you can try ifconfig..
man ifconfig

example if your network interface card is identified as 

ifconfig epo

or if you want to add an alias 
ifconfig -a ep0

hope this helps...

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