local ports?

Jacob Smullyan smulloni at bracknell.smullyan.org
Mon Sep 1 09:53:44 PDT 2003

Hi --

I'm coming to FreeBSD after using Gentoo Linux extensively for a year
and half, so I'm wondering whether some features of Gentoo have
equivalents in FreeBSD ports:

1. is it possible to specify a particular version of a port that you
want to install, or is there only one version of a port available at
any one time in a particular distribution branch?

2. is it possible to have local ports, so as to keep my own ports
(either new applications or development versions of pre-existing
ports) in a separate place than the regular ports tree?

I haven't come across this in the handbook, but I may have missed it.
There may be other sources of documentation I've missed, too --


Jacob Smullyan

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