Impressions of a old macuser newbie in freebsd

Andrew Humphries humphie at
Sun Nov 30 15:12:52 PST 2003

If you can't code, or document (why don't you help document FreeBSD in
French? :)) then words like that are enough. Just by promoting FreeBSD
to friends you know, that is giving to the community.

Just keep preaching the word, peace,

Andrew Humphries.

On Sun, 2003-11-30 at 22:50, Laurent Demaret wrote:
> Hello,
> 	Sorry if I disturb the quietness of the list and for my poor english
> As a newbie in freebsd world I am not surprise of the silence here : 
> everything  seems to be in a manual somewhere and mostly in french for 
> me.
> So if you have an usb mouse you just plug it in and follow the manual 
> ...
> Even to choose your desktop manager :-)
> 	So just _thank you_ to all the people that took on their time to do 
> that.
> I wont be able to give back to the community anything  excepted maybe 
> to learn my children how to use a personnal computer (or anybody else 
> tired from another system)
> And buy a good big french book if somebody knows ?
> Best sentiments
> Laurent Demaret
> Used to buy an OS

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