learning on our own

Rodney Salomon rstunna1 at yahoo.com
Mon May 19 08:08:44 PDT 2003

Thanks, ill definitely look into this book!

--- Tom <tsasser at terra.cl> wrote:
> hi all,
> i just read the FreeBSD Newbies FAK again. something
> came to mind about a book 
> that i have been reading.
> there is a book called _Understanding Unix/Linux
> Programming:  A Guide to 
> Theory and Practice_.  it was written by Bruce
> Molay.  it covers unix system 
> programming from the beginning system programmer's
> perspective.
> generally, a book like this is not for newbies.  it
> does require that you have 
> some experience with the c programming language. 
> so, why do i mention this?  
> this book is absolutely BEAUTIFUL for learning the
> Unix Way.  it introduces 
> basic system programming concepts by showing the
> reader how to write common 
> unix programs like ls.  in my opinion, understanding
> the building blocks of 
> unix is essential for understanding how to get unix
> to behave in a way that 
> you like.
> what i find so neat about the book is that it
> teaches you how to ask questions 
> of unix...and get the answers.  you literally learn
> how to research a problem 
> with this book.  it divides up the problems up as
> follows:  1) "what does the 
> unix program do?"  ( like ls ), 2) "how does the
> program ls do it?" and 3) 
> "can i write ls?"  this is great because he shows
> you how to investigate the 
> problem and find the answer on the system--usually
> through reading the online 
> manuals and observing the behavior of the program.
> remember, computers are dumber than blades of grass!
>  but, if programmed 
> properly, they will tell you what they want.  so, if
> you are seeing an error 
> on the screen, it's really telling you what it
> wanted ( but it may look like 
> gibberish ).  it's up to you to reseach the
> "gibberish" in order to solve the 
> problem.  that means you actually have to read the
> error ( sometimes even 
> save it )...because there may be keywords in the
> error that you can use in 
> your search.
> needless to say, being able to investigate a problem
> and build your own answer 
> is essential in unix...regardless of the
> problem...from web servers to 
> configuring a boot loader.  as i go through the book
> and look at the 
> problems, i go through this procedure...and i learn
> more about what goes on 
> behind the scenes.  reading the online help (
> man-pages ) is humbling, but 
> you really start to get a feel for how unix works.
> i HIGHLY recommend that most newbies at least read
> the first several chapters.  
> you will become familiar with the paradigm.  skip
> the code if you have to;  
> you can also just read the program comments.  the
> goal is to understand how 
> to research a problem, not necessarily code in c. 
> molay puts lots of 
> comments in the code, so you won't get lost.
> i cannot stress this point enough:  if you use the
> problem solving techniques 
> shown in this book, you can solve any problem that
> you come across on your 
> bsd system.
> good luck and happy hacking!
> --tom
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> yahoo messenger:  cREbralFIX
> www.linuxtechies.org ( yes, one of them! )
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