wireless qs

Xeon xeon at austin.rr.com
Sat May 10 15:21:52 PDT 2003

Doug Barton wrote:

 > This card is supported in the current version of the wi driver, so if the
 > isntaller asks you to configure a network card, say yes, and look for wi0
 > in the menu. If that doesn't work, you should ask on -questions.

No!  Please don't send him on a quest (similar to one I went on).  It is 
absolutely NOT supported right now.  You are thinking of the DWL-520 NOT 
the DWL-520+ which is a completely different chipset.  There are no 
drivers for any OS other than Windows for it right now.  A project was 
set up a long time ago to reverse engineer it at http://acx100.sf.net/ , 
but has yet to release code (it's been 3 or so months now too)...  
Complain to D-Link, because it's beginning to look like this card is 
never going to be supported.


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