
DominikŻyła gavroche at wdm.pl
Sun Apr 27 14:23:01 PDT 2003

On Sun, 27 Apr 2003 15:13:50 -0500
"WolfRyder" <wolfryder at qwest.net> wrote:

> I was able to successfully install FreeBSD 4.8 on my laptop (Presario 1600) 
> last night. Unfortunately, my Win98 isn't happy sharing, even though I gave 
> it most of the disk space on the 30 gig hard drive.
> lol! I have to learn how to be quicker in making the windows bootup screen 
> not show up (it covers the selection of dos/bsd.) I got totally frustrated 
> last night and ended up turning off the darned thing when I rebooted about 
> 6 times and it still insisted on booting into windows. The first few 
> reboots weren't any trouble (initializing the wireless network card took a 
> few attempts and I still haven't gotten it right. Got a number/letter wrong 
> somewhere, I'm sure) but after about the 4th try, it just starting booting 
> into windows even when I pressed the F2 key.
> I'll mess with it tonight, figure out what's going one ;)
> carol
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Try to use os-bs boot loader. It's in tools directory on your FreeBSD CD. It could work.
Greadings. gavroche.

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