BSD knowledge, awarded & learning

clayton rollins crollins666 at
Sat Apr 26 11:40:53 PDT 2003

>From: Tom <tsasser at> wrote on Sat, 26 Apr 2003 13:42:24 -0600:
> > Carol wrote
> > The R&D machine developing a content management system is FreeBSD (which 
> > installed and setup a few months ago.) There seems to be a fear of 
> > something new with a lot of the Microsoft crowd. **The other OS's aren't
> > "point and click" therefore it's too hard to learn **and **other admins 
> > the city don't know how to help administer the OS**, Whereas I 
> > it's much easier to take control and actually set up what I want done.
> >
> > Keep up the good work!!
> > Carol
> >
> > **The common whine in staff meetings
>hi all,
>the fear that carol described above is not uncommon.  i saw it often when i
>was doing support for cybercash...admins who did NOT want to know anything
>about the software that needed to be on their server.  it was quite 
>also, remember that most people stop learning as soon as they leave school.
>( which is an interesting thought about American culture ).
>congrats on the award!

Tom and Carol,

Thanks for the nice words.

About the fear of not pointing and clicking, I get the exact same reaction 
in regards to the Linux and FreeBSD boxes I have running at school (and, 
they both have gui's installed; can't handle typing startx, eh?). I've told 
'em all how to get in, and went so far as to write down a username and 
passwd for them, but still no takers. (I'd even be happy if they wrecked the 
install, I just want to expose some people to this OS, which has 
dramatically changed my life. <- not as much of an overstatement as it 
sounds, I've always wanted to do more than play games, and freeBSD gives me 
every bit of functionality I want.)

Oh well. While they play the same stupid solitare game, i get to play xbill, 
and have a C/C++ compiler at my fingertips. (Did I mention, it's free?!?)

About learning, it seems that quite a few people don't wait until they leave 
school. And, as for 'American Culture,' Michael Moore's Bowling for 
Columbine should be considered required reading here. (Beyond being a great 
movie, it also brings up a lot of things we'd prefer to not think about our 
own culture.)

Am I OT enough now?

Anyways, thanks and good luck with your endeavors,

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