sshd TcpRcvBuf

Chris Stankevitz chris at
Mon Feb 29 16:17:55 UTC 2016


The ssh TcpRcvBuf option [1] works well when running an ssh client to 
indicate that the ssh client should have a large TCP receive buffer. 
This is a good workaround until bug 206716 [2] is fixed for people who 
want their ssh client to receive a lot of data.

I have an ssh server that wants to received a lot of data.

Question: how do I set TcpRcvBuf on the ssh server?  It's undocumented 
so I guessed.  Neither sshd_config ("TcbRcvBuf=8192") nor sshd_flags 
("-oTcpRcvBuf=8192") worked.

Thank you,


[1] ssh -oTcpRcvBuf=8192 user at host


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