HELP! Mysterious socket 843/tcp listening on CURRENT system

Warren Block wblock at
Tue Sep 15 13:51:14 UTC 2015

On Tue, 15 Sep 2015, Ian Smith wrote:

> >  But that is an other issue and it is most likely
> > due to the outdated documentation (that doc still uses port 37 for NTP
> > purposes and referes to the outdated divert mechanism using natd, see the
> > recent handbook). The internet is also full of ambigous examples.
> Yes, the handbook IPFW section is still crazy after all these years,
> despite ongoing attempts to limit the damage.  Best just ignore it.

Best overall would be to fix the documentation.  Given that there seems 
to be more interest in IPFW lately, it would be nice if someone 
well-versed in it would repair or even rewrite the IPFW handbook 
section.  Rewrites are sometimes less work than fixing an old section 
that no longer fits actual usage.

I have not used IPFW in years, but would be willing to help with an 

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