Whither ep(4) on 9.3-RELEASE?

Julian H. Stacey jhs at berklix.com
Tue Nov 11 21:20:29 UTC 2014

> I'm amazed people still use tech this old.

Some think Green :-)  Junking old PCs can feel sinful (except when
power bill dictates or more CPU needed). I use old x86 + ep0, eg
libretto eg, for mini X monitors for hardware eg PBX, UPS etc,
though none run new releases (unlike my main AMD64s). So my ep0
host count is now down to ~ 3.

> It's available in i386, all releases (even head, presently).  It's not 
> in amd64 due to no ISA support.

Good to know, thanks.

Julian Stacey, BSD Linux Unix C Sys Eng Consultant Munich http://berklix.com
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