NICs devices switches "pshycial" place on each boot

Martin Hanson greencoppermine at
Thu Dec 4 05:56:25 UTC 2014

I am actually one step closer.

With the following I can get the device-name "axge0", but I don't know how to create
a usable NIC interface name for that.

attach 1000 {
    device-name "axge[0-9]+";
    match "vendor" "0x0b95";
    match "product" "0x1790";
    match "sernum" "0000249B0DE00C";
    action "logger DEVICE NAME IS: $device-name";

Dec  4 06:41:39 gateway1 devd: Executing 'logger DEVICE NAME IS: axge0'
Dec  4 06:41:39 gateway1 martin: DEVICE NAME IS: axge0

What action would I then take to create a usable device for ifconfig?

Doing this doesn't work:

  # ifconfig axge0 name lan1 inet netmask
  ifconfig: interface axge0 does not exist

What can I do from here?

Kind regards.

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