Transitioning if_addr_lock to an rwlock

Bjoern A. Zeeb bz at
Tue Jan 3 22:20:00 UTC 2012

On 29. Dec 2011, at 20:27 , John Baldwin wrote:
> I've gone ahead with this approach.  I have three separate patches that should
> implement Phase 1.  All of them can be found at
> - if_addr_dev.patch      This fixes a few new device drivers that were using
>                         the locking macros directly rather than the wrapper
>                         functions Robert added.  I've already sent this
>                         directly to the relevant driver maintainers for their
>                         review.
> - if_addr_macros.patch   This adds new locking macros to support read locks vs
>                         write locks.  However, they all still map to mutex
>                         operations.

The first two look good.  I wondered why you didn't need the r-wraper-functions
but obviously they had been named like that already:)

I'll look at the one below in more detail and get back to you.

> - if_addr_uses.patch     This changes callers of the existing macros to use
>                         either read or write locks.  This is the patch that
>                         could use the most review.

Bjoern A. Zeeb                                 You have to have visions!
   It does not matter how good you are. It matters what good you do!

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