[RFC] resolvconf(8) interface id

Hiroki Sato hrs at FreeBSD.org
Fri Jun 17 09:33:53 UTC 2011

"Bjoern A. Zeeb" <bzeeb-lists at lists.zabbadoz.net> wrote
  in <F36DB85C-BA31-49D2-A5E0-FA001E7D6774 at lists.zabbadoz.net>:

bz> The only thing I am only still pondering - do we want it to be
bz> "slaac" "dchpv4"  or the program name?  I can see advantages with both.
bz> If we go with "slaac" etc. we might need to - at least for the three or so
bz> things from base, add a table to the man page like
bz>         program:	   origin
bz> 	rtsol		-> slaac
bz> 	rtsold		-> slaac
bz> 	dhclient	-> dhcpv4
bz> 	ppp		-> ppp
bz> as people may or may not be familiar enough with what the one or the
bz> other might mean.  Maybe simply describing the cases will be good
bz> enough as well.
bz> I can imaging ports like mpd, ... to join this scheme and by then
bz> there might be different "ppp" or "dhcpv4", "dhcpv6" or even different
bz> "slaac".  The advantage of this one is that if I prefer dhcpv6 on one
bz> interface it doesn't make a difference if I am going to use dippler,
bz> isc or wide.

 Yes, the reason why I chose a protocol name over a program name as
 the origin is exactly the same as what you think/feel.  Documenting
 them is important for whichever we use---I am often confused with
 what name should be used for the daemon name field in
 /etc/hosts.allow and a !foo line in /etc/syslog.conf.

 Okay, I will give it a try to create a patchset for utilities that
 need /etc/resolv.conf update in the base system.

-- Hiroki
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