FreeBSD 8.2 and MPD5 stability issues - update

Adrian Minta gygy at
Mon Jul 4 08:30:58 UTC 2011

On 07/03/2011 10:56 PM, Eugene Grosbein wrote:
>> There is internal queue of messages in the mpd-5.5 with length 8129.
>> Messages are generated based on various events and enqueued there, then processed.
>> Mpd uses GRED algorithm to prevent overload: it accepts all new L2TP connections
>> when queue has 10 or less slots occupied (unprocessed events).
>> It drops all connections then it has over 60 slots occupied.
> s/all/new incoming/
>> In between, it drops new message with probability equal to (q-10)*2 percents
> s/message/L2TP connection/
>> where q is number of occupied queue slots. These constants are hardcoded in its src/ppp.h
>> Each time it decided to ignore incoming L2TP requests it notes that in the log,
>> as you have already seen.
> Eugene Grosbein
Hi Eugene,
if I undestand corectly, in order to increase the connection rate I need 
to replace 60 with 600 and 10 with 100 like this:

   #define SETOVERLOAD(q)        do {                                    \
                                     int t = (q);                        \
                                     if (t > 600) {                      \
                                         gOverload = 100;                \
                                     } else if (t > 100) {               \
                                         gOverload = (t - 100) * 2;      \
                                     } else {                            \
                                         gOverload = 0;                  \
                                     }                                   \
                                 } while (0)

  Is this enough, or I need to modify something else ?

Best regards,

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