One final question about NFS ... or so I hope ...

Marc G. Fournier scrappy at
Mon Apr 11 02:48:26 UTC 2011

It used to be that if you did a 'mount' on the client server, it would 
tell you what options existed on the mount ... but now, it just shows 
(nfs) ... my fstab entry looks like:          /vm/ 
nfs     rw,noauto,intr,tcp,nolockd  0       0

Mounts fine, no errors, and postfix works, so that I know that nolockd 
option is working as expected ... but when I type 'mount', I get: on /vm/ (nfs)

If I do 'mount -p' (fstab output), I get:

# mount -p | grep 192.168 /vm/     nfs     rw 
0 0

So, how do I view what options are present on a FreeBSD nfs mount?

I checked our Linux boxes at the office, and they definitely do show the 
mount options:

3.165:/vol/prd_db_logs/filer_log2 on /filer_log02 type nfs 

I've checked the 'SEE ALSO' in both the 7.x and 8.x man page, to make sure 
it wasn't some other command I should be running, and nadda ...

So, do we *really* hide this information, or am I missing a command?

Marc G. Fournier                        Hub.Org Hosting Solutions S.A.
scrappy at                           

Yahoo:yscrappy    Skype:    ICQ:7615664    MSN:scrappy at

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