Revisit of older discussion on Intel em0 timeouts etc.

Adriel Torres ladr.torres at
Mon Apr 4 16:51:40 UTC 2011


I am new to this list and have been reading on the "tcp bug" and "bge
discussions" and wanted to share what I was experiencing with a 8.2 FreeBSD
DNS Server I had recently deployed.  Basically, with an em0 interface, link
states would show changes from up to down constantly under very little or no

After a while, I switched the interface to a dc0-based interface, and for a
while it was fine, then the link states would start to change again.  The
only other discussion I found where this was talked about in-depth
was the following, but in this case it was occuring for 7.1 stable.

I just wanted to chime in in the event this might be related to any of the
bugs currently on the bug list, and if they are, I would appreciate if
someone could point me to the right discussion/bug.  Thank you.

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