igb statistics error

beezarliu beezarliu at yahoo.com.cn
Mon Jul 19 08:59:53 UTC 2010

Hi Jack and Hackers,

I use igb driver (version:1.9.3) in our local-made freebsd7-stable build.
But I found its statistics is very strang.

The total received packet number(TPR) is not equal to the good packets Rx count (GPRC). 
I think these 2 values should be equal because there is no error in receiving side.

For example:
(kgdb) p adapter.stats
$4 = {crcerrs = 0, algnerrc = 0, symerrs = 0, rxerrc = 0, mpc = 0, scc = 0, 
  ecol = 0, mcc = 0, latecol = 0, colc = 0, dc = 0, tncrs = 0, sec = 0, 
  cexterr = 0, rlec = 0, xonrxc = 0, xontxc = 0, xoffrxc = 0, xofftxc = 0, 
  fcruc = 0, prc64 = 6, prc127 = 23, prc255 = 0, prc511 = 0, prc1023 = 0, 
  prc1522 = 0, gprc = 29, bprc = 29, mprc = 0, gptc = 0, gorc = 1948, 
  gotc = 0, rnbc = 0, ruc = 0, rfc = 0, roc = 0, rjc = 0, mgprc = 0, 
  mgpdc = 0, mgptc = 0, tor = 0, tot = 0, tpr = 568, tpt = 0, ptc64 = 0, 
  ptc127 = 0, ptc255 = 0, ptc511 = 0, ptc1023 = 0, ptc1522 = 0, mptc = 0, 
  bptc = 0, tsctc = 0, tsctfc = 0, iac = 0, icrxptc = 0, icrxatc = 0, 
  ictxptc = 0, ictxatc = 0, ictxqec = 0, ictxqmtc = 0, icrxdmtc = 0, 
  icrxoc = 0, cbtmpc = 0, htdpmc = 0, cbrdpc = 0, cbrmpc = 0, rpthc = 0, 
  hgptc = 0, htcbdpc = 0, hgorc = 0, hgotc = 0, lenerrs = 0, scvpc = 0, 
  hrmpc = 0, doosync = 0, lostcarrier = 0, skip_wakeup = 0, wakeup = 0, 
  getbuffail = 0, eop = 0, m_flagserr = 0, m_lenserr = 0, rcviferr = 0}



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