What's the proper way to traverse a getifaddrs() interface list?

Bruce Simpson bms at incunabulum.net
Tue Jan 5 14:36:24 UTC 2010

On 05/01/2010 02:05, Peter Steele wrote:
> I have an application where I want to collect information on the network interfaces. I've researched this and the function getifaddrs(struct ifaddrs *ifap) appears to be the way to go, but I'm having some trouble understanding exactly how to process the information returned by this call.


function: __ifindex_to_primary_ip(const uint32_t ifindex, struct in_addr 

> duplicate entries. Can someone explain the proper way to traverse this linked list?

there's an entry in that list for every protocol family attached to each 
ifnet; they are not duplicates.


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