Workaround for mpd5 and 8.0 broken proxy arp?

Ruslan Ermilov ru at
Wed Apr 14 13:00:16 UTC 2010

Hi Qing,

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 06:25:48PM -0700, Li, Qing wrote:
> > Yes, it's still broken (it's a regression compared to 7.x).  A
> > workaround I've found working after analyzing the newer kernel
> > code is to ALWAYS use the same IP address for the local end of
> > the tunnel as of the corresponding ARP capable interface.
> > 
>    Are you using VLANs?
>    Were you getting the following error message?
>    "cannot intuit interface index and type for x.x.x.x"
>    Could you please revert back to your original configuration
>    and give the following patch try (in addition to the patches
>    mentioned by Mike) ?

Doesn't seem to have any effect.  Please see
on how to reproduce.

If you change the ifconfig command shown there so that the local end
of a P2P interface is assigned the same IP address as of
vlan408, it will work as expected.

Ruslan Ermilov
ru at
FreeBSD committer

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