bge driver and MSI

Julian H. Stacey jhs at
Tue Dec 8 23:42:21 UTC 2009

> As a more general question, what would be the right medium to
> document such device errata as it relates to a driver?  Is the 
> man page the best location or would it be better to add a
> table near the top of the driver file which summarizes the
> bugs and the workarounds?  Is there a general consensus?

Lots of Unix users dont have use or understand sources, so IMO
A) If person reporting is willing to code a fix, use send-pr to send .c patch.
B) Else use send-pr with a diff to add a BUGS section to eg bge.5 man file,
   & cc programmers if known, who can delete BUGS lines when fixed.

Julian Stacey: BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultants Munich
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