how to identify a PHY?

Bruce M. Simpson bms at
Mon May 12 12:02:37 UTC 2008

Marius Strobl wrote:
> If the system is running the simplest thing in order to identifiy
> the PHYs is to check the oui= and model= output of `devinfo -v`.
> Otherwise boot verbose and check the OUI and model output of 
> ukphy(4).

There's a project for someone in there I'm sure.

Linux has mii-tool and mii-diag. Whilst we generally don't need all of 
the knobs, sometimes it can be useful to dump and poke PHY registers on 
the MII. src/sys/dev/mii/miibus_if.m contains the newbus interface 
definition for miibus which would be a place to start.


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