Can I port 4.4BSD-Lite's TCP/IP protocol stack soure code to my own OS kernel which is GPL Licenced?

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Mon May 5 20:54:43 UTC 2008

On May 4, 2008, at 6:32 AM, hlwhyw at wrote:
> Can I port 4.4BSD-Lite's TCP/IP protocol stack soure code to my own  
> OS kernel which is GPL Licence?

Modern 2- or 3-clause BSD licenses are fully compatible with the GPL,  
as are most "simple, permissive" licenses like the MIT/X11, Zlib, and  
similar licenses.  The old 4-clause license with the "advertising  
clause" is not GPL-compatible.

> I know that 4.4BSD-Lite is BSD Licenced.  Is it legal to port BSD  
> Licenced code and change it to GPL licence?

You are not allowed to remove the copyright statement or the original  
BSD license, but you can take BSD-licensed code and combine it with  
other software to create a derivative work which you then distribute  
under the GPL or even a proprietary license, if you wish.

Eric Raymond and his wife, Catherine (who is a lawyer), have written  
some documentation about this specific issue here:

There was also a thread here:


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