New tool for TCP research [FYI]

Lawrence Stewart lstewart at
Tue Jun 26 03:45:59 UTC 2007

Hi all,

Finally managed to wrap up the code and documentation for a little 
module I thought might be of interest to people on this list. We've 
released the SIFTR (Statistical Information For TCP Research) code under 
a BSD licence, and hope some of you may find it useful. It's a tool 
mostly aimed at the TCP research community, but perhaps someone out 
there might find another use for all or part of the code.

We've also made a technical report available that documents what we 
learnt whilst transitioning from noob kernel hackers to guys that have a 
(partial) clue. The report is certainly a useful reference for us and 
people working at our research centre. We hope it will also be a useful 
reference for the community to point people at who are new to kernel 
hacking. The report's title is "An Introduction to FreeBSD 6 Kernel 
Hacking" and has been released as Centre for Advanced Internet 
Architectures Technical Report 070622A.

The code distributions and technical report can be grabbed from under the "Tools" and "Papers" 
sections respectively.

If you find a use for the code or any bugs in the code/documentation, 
we'd be very happy to hear from you.


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