VLANs and routing

Cristian KLEIN cristi at net.utcluj.ro
Fri Jun 15 20:01:52 UTC 2007

On Vin, Iunie 15, 2007 7:27 pm, David DeSimone wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Peter Jeremy <peterjeremy at optushome.com.au> wrote:
>>> But the (somewhat weird) requirements are that the vlan interface on
>>> machine1 shouldn't have assigned IP address, but the second one should.
>> [...]
>>> Is this kind of setup even supported?
>> I don't see how it could be if machine1 is an IP endpoint:  In order
>> to transmit a packet, it needs to put a source IP address into the packet
>> - which virtually always comes from the interface.
> When originating a packet, that is the case.  But a forwarded packet
> already has a source address, which can be left unchanged.  As long as
> routing is working (ARP is not needed, destination is clear, etc), the
> intermediate interface need not have an IP.

I completely agree with you. Theoretically speaking, you could inject
something like (lladdr is not for real):

side1# route add -interface em0 -lladdr 00:10:ab:cd:ef:gh
side2# route add -interface em0 -lladdr 00:20:ab:cd:ef:gh

And then you wouldn't require IPs on any interface. However, I haven't
seen the ability to do something like this on any network stack, most
probably, because in a layered approach (as networking is supposed to be)
you shouldn't know, nor care what layer 2 does.

Still, you could obtain something similar, by doing like this:
side1# route add -interface em0
side1# sysctl net.link.ether.inet.proxyall=1
side2# route add -interface em0
side2# sysctl net.link.ether.inet.proxyall=1

This would tell both sides, that link-layer information for the
destination network should be collected by using ARP. The other side will
answer to this ARP request through the proxy-arp mechanism.

If you don't want to enable proxy-arp, for reasons that you might discover
in time, you may do the following:

side1# route add -interface em0
side1# arp -s 00:10:ab:cd:ef:gh
side1# arp -s 00:10:ab:cd:ef:gh
side1# arp -s 00:10:ab:cd:ef:gh

Or, if you can afford using fake IPs:

side1# route add -interface em0
side1# arp -s 00:10:ab:cd:ef:gh
side1# route add

In this setup, ping-ing from (assuming these are
some IPs configured on some interface of the two routers) should work.

Note that, in the configuration I suggested, network debugging (such as
traceroute) might break. Make sure that you set net.inet.icmp.reply_src on
both sides.

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