FreeBSD as a VPN Client Gateway ...

Eric Masson e-masson at
Thu Mar 23 23:37:02 UTC 2006

VANHULLEBUS Yvan <vanhu_bsd at> writes:


> nat-t support detection is quite bad actually (and not only with
> FreeBSD), as it just detects NAT-T support in kernel includes, not in
> compiled kernel.

<French speaking dumbass>
Rhahhh, le boulet, le boulet, le boulet...
</French speaking dumbass>

I forgot to install includes... so config failure had to happen.

A full buildworld/buildkernel solved the non issue, sorry for the noise.


 AS> J'ai été obligé de reformater Il suffisait pour ce faire avoir non
 AS> de cliquer mais seulement d'approcher la "putain" de souris du post
 Approcher la souris du post ? Vous travaillez chez X-Files ?
 -+- CdO in GNU : Si la vérité est ailleurs, neuneu est bien là, lui -+-

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