Multiple NAT router

Brett Glass brett at
Tue Jul 25 03:17:55 UTC 2006

At 08:09 AM 7/24/2006, Marko Zec wrote:

>Yes this should work with a virtualized stack - all the "outsied" interfaces
>in each jail / virtual stack could be simply bridged together using netgraph
>which is virtualization-agnostic, i.e. a global facility in the current
>implementation of "vimage".

Does this virtualization facility virtualize the arp table? It 
would need to, because there would be hosts with duplicate 
addresses inside each interface.

I've been noodling over this for two weeks now, and am thinking 
that the easiest thing to do might be is map every address in each 
"virtual" router to a unique address from FreeBSD's point of view 
(i.e. on LAN 1 becomes, while on 
LAN 1 becomes, etc.). The translation would be done by 
"hooks" as close as possible to the interfaces, so FreeBSD's stack 
wouldn't know it was being done.

All that would be needed in that case would be to do "dumb" address 
translation at the interfaces -- transparently to FreeBSD -- just 
before the packets entered and left. This seems to be the method 
that would leverage FreeBSD's existing facilities the most, since 
FreeBSD's own routing, NAT, etc. would "just work" as they always 
do. I'd need to figure out what to do about protocols like DHCP.... 
I don't know if DHCP will assign addresses that it are not on the 
subnet it "thinks" it's talking to. And I might need to hack into 
the content of some packets. For example, I'd have to make ARP work.

If I were to try this, the question would of course be which "hook" 
to use to capture the packets (BPF? Divert sockets? Netgraph? 
Something in IPFW? A hook into the driver?)... and whether I could 
use existing code to do the bilateral translation or would have to 
hack an "address smasher".

--Brett Glass

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