maximum connections for mpd

Alexander Motin mav at
Tue Dec 19 01:27:45 PST 2006


Nyoman Bogi Aditya Karna wrote:
> our VPN server is using mpd3.18 + freebsd6.1
> and currently we provide 250 VPN connections
> for our students and it works well.
> but when i try to make 500 connections
> the mpd failed to run.
> i suspect it was the freebsd
> that can not provide ng more than 250.
> is there anything i should do ?
> maybe tuning the freebsd ?

mpd3 uses about 10 file descriptors per bundle. So you should increase 
file limit via sysctl.
Another problem is dependence of mpd and libradius on select() call 
which will require increase of FD_SETSIZE constant in mpd/system and 
rebuilding mpd and libradius.

But if you whish to reach 1-2K bundles and more, you may need mpd4. 
There are lot of changes done to remove that kind of limitations in 
mpd4.0b5. So if you don't use MSCHAP auth (which was broken in mpd4.0b5 
and fixed later) I propose you to try mpd4. Or you can try latest CVS 
version from which is stable enough for now and moving 
to release.

Alexander Motin

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