IPv6 link-local routes disappear in 6.2-RC1

Daniel Dvořák dandee at hellteam.net
Thu Dec 14 14:31:07 PST 2006

Hi all,


I want back ipv6 link-local routes back, do you know how to do that ? I hope this significant change will be in release document for 6.2. I did not change rc.conf since release FreeBSD 6.1 in May06.


This is STABLE RELENG_6, kernel from 28.8.2006 and it is OKAY:


server1# uname -a

FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE #1: Mon Aug 28 02:48:17 CEST 2006


server1# netstat -rn



Destination                       Gateway                       Flags      Netif       Expire

::1                               ::1                           UH          lo0

fe80::%ath0/64                    link#1                        UC         ath0

fe80::20b:6bff:fe2b:79f%ath0      00:0b:6b:2b:07:9f             UHL         lo0

fe80::%sis0/64                    link#2                        UC         sis0

fe80::20d:b9ff:fe04:cf8c%sis0     00:0d:b9:04:cf:8c             UHL         lo0

fe80::%sis1/64                    link#3                        UC         sis1

fe80::20d:b9ff:fe04:cf8d%sis1     00:0d:b9:04:cf:8d             UHL         lo0

fe80::%ath1/64                    link#4                        UC         ath1

fe80::20b:6bff:fe2b:874%ath1      00:0b:6b:2b:08:74             UHL         lo0

fe80::%lo0/64                     fe80::1%lo0                   U           lo0

fe80::1%lo0                       fe80::1%lo0                   UHL         lo0

ff01:1::/32                       link#1                        UC         ath0

ff01:2::/32                       link#2                        UC         sis0

ff01:3::/32                       link#3                        UC         sis1

ff01:4::/32                       link#4                        UC         ath1

ff01:6::/32                       ::1                           UC          lo0

ff02::%ath0/32                    link#1                        UC         ath0

ff02::%sis0/32                    link#2                        UC         sis0

ff02::%sis1/32                    link#3                        UC         sis1

ff02::%ath1/32                    link#4                        UC         ath1

ff02::%lo0/32                     ::1                           UC          lo0


This is still STABLE RELENG_6, but it shows as 6.2-PRERELEASE, kernel from 2.10.2006 and it is still OKAY:


server2# uname -a

FreeBSD 6.2-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 6.2-PRERELEASE #1: Mon Oct  2 11:43:39 CEST 2006



Destination                       Gateway                       Flags      Netif Expire

::1                               ::1                           UHL         lo0

fe80::%ath0/64                    link#1                        UC         ath0

fe80::20b:6bff:fe35:509a%ath0     00:0b:6b:35:50:9a             UHL         lo0

fe80::%ath1/64                    link#2                        UC         ath1

fe80::20b:6bff:fe2a:b8d5%ath1     00:0b:6b:2a:b8:d5             UHL         lo0

fe80::%rl0/64                     link#3                        UC          rl0

fe80::250:fcff:fee4:c4b6%rl0      00:50:fc:e4:c4:b6             UHL         lo0

fe80::%vr0/64                     link#4                        UC          vr0

fe80::20c:76ff:fe1c:aab7%vr0      00:0c:76:1c:aa:b7             UHL         lo0

fe80::%lo0/64                     fe80::1%lo0                   U           lo0

fe80::1%lo0                       link#5                        UHL         lo0

ff01:1::/32                       link#1                        UC         ath0

ff01:2::/32                       link#2                        UC         ath1

ff01:3::/32                       link#3                        UC          rl0

ff01:4::/32                       link#4                        UC          vr0

ff01:5::/32                       ::1                           UC          lo0

ff02::%ath0/32                    link#1                        UC         ath0

ff02::%ath1/32                    link#2                        UC         ath1

ff02::%rl0/32                     link#3                        UC          rl0

ff02::%vr0/32                     link#4                        UC          vr0

ff02::%lo0/32                     ::1                           UC          lo0


This is STABLE RELENG_6_2, 6.2-RC1, kernel from 18.11.2006 and it is NOT okay:


server3# uname -a

FreeBSD 6.2-RC1 FreeBSD 6.2-RC1 #0: Sat Nov 18 15:04:59 CET 2006



Destination                       Gateway                       Flags      Netif Expire

::1                               ::1                           UHL         lo0

ff01:8::/32                       ::1                           UC          lo0

ff02::%lo0/32                     ::1                           UC          lo0


How can I get backs link-local routes in RELENG_6_2 and which changes in code it causes or brings about.


I appeal our documentation maintenaner to write some lines about this strange from my point of view change.





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