Zeroconfig and Multicast DNS

Pat Lashley patl at
Thu Aug 24 20:59:52 UTC 2006

> Me too. :)  The chief objection to mDNS (and other p2p types of dns
> services) is the possibility of making it easier to hijack "real" websites.
> I do not object (off hand) to a mechanism to define additional hostnames to
> announce other than your own, but I think that we should do something like
> unconditionally append .local to them to make sure that we're not creating a
> bigger problem than we're solving.

To do so, the hijacker would have to get onto your local link.  For hardwired 
LANs, that shouldn't be a major issue.  (If they're on your LAN, you're already 
screwed.)  It's a much bigger problem for WiFi; especially when using a public 
access point.


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