TCP RST handling in 6.0

Lars Eggert lars.eggert at
Tue Nov 8 13:20:26 PST 2005


On Nov 8, 2005, at 11:23, Mike Silbersack wrote:
> I'm open to discussing the change.  I plan to revisit that and the  
> SYN causing a connection reset issue after eurobsdcon.

good to know, thanks!

> However, I'm open to clubbing you over the head for not saying  
> anything throughout the entire 6.0 release cycle and requesting the  
> change AFTER THE RELEASE HAS SHIPPED.  Since 6.0 shipped with this  
> feature on, I don't think we should flip the setting back to off  
> until a good reason has been given.

Point taken, and I'm very sorry. I no longer follow -current, so I've  
missed this completely until I looked at 6.0.

The argument for switching it back off would be that the RST attack  
is probably only effective against long-lived connections between  
well-known ports, the canonical example being BGP sessions. I doubt  
that the average user has many such connections open and thus will  
see little benefit from having this on. The change does increase the  
chances of ignoring valid RSTs, which could lead to all sorts of  
problems, especially when talking to esoteric TCP stacks. These two  
effects (attack resistance vs. compatibility) are hard to trade off.  
I'd personally argue for the conservative approach. Also note that  
other attacks against long-lived TCP connections are still possible,  
e.g., through spoofed ICMP packets.

I do see the release engineering aspects of switching this off by  
default. In the end, it's a judgement call.

> While we're on the subject of potential problems, I'd like to throw  
> out an idea.  What would people think of a "log perhaps somewhat in  
> vain" option (turned on by default) that logged unusual looking  
> packets to /var/log/ip.log - but did it in a ratelimited fashion,  
> so that it would not be possible for attackers to chew up disk  
> space.  This would of course get written to during an attack, but  
> it would also log legitimate cases, such as where a RST blocked by  
> this setting came in.  This could also be used to tell if future  
> changes cause additional incompatibilities.
> Such a feature wouldn't cause performance problems, but I could see  
> there being privacy concerns.  If the log was only root readable,  
> what would people think?  Remember that I'm talking only about  
> logging "odd" packets, and only their TCP/IP flags and fields, not  
> the data contents.

I think that'd be very useful. I frequently come across entries in  
the logs that I wish I had some more information about. I'd even go  
as far as (optionally) dumping all such packets in tcpdump format.

Lars Eggert                                     NEC Network Laboratories

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