Problems with gif tunnels

Jeremie Le Hen jeremie at
Thu Jun 9 07:44:57 GMT 2005

Hi Gianmarco,

> Hi Greg, I have follow with interest this thread because I had a similar 
> problem sometimes ago and we din't succeded in resolve it as I like ...
> I had to connect a couple of  a nets with a freebsd box and a linux box 
> (not managed by me). They insist to use the ipip tunnel (p:4) and I think I 
> should use the  nos-tun interface we had in the base system to let things 
> works ourside. But it didn't do the job so we had to switch on an ipsec 
> tunnel (esp only) which works quite well except a few things...
> Now I see I could simply use the gif interface (which I wrongly suppose did 
> only GRE tunnel :-) to connect to an ipip linux tunnel. Is this right ?
> And the nos-tun utility is so a basic replacement of the gif interface ?

Given the simplicity of gif(4) IP-encapsulated packets, I wonder
how Linux guys could have implemented something else in their IPIP
module :-).  I never set up such a tunnel between Linux and FreeBSD
myself, but from what I read [1], it seems to work well.

Please, would you keep us informed whether this setup works for you
or not, it would be certainly worthwhile for the archives.

Jeremie Le Hen
< jeremie at le-hen dot org >< ttz at chchile dot org >

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