cisco vpn experience?

Michael C. Cambria mcc at
Mon Apr 18 06:38:59 PDT 2005

Nickolay Kritsky wrote:

> I had a an experience of connecting 4.9 to cisco 3600 with ESP/3des/Md5 site-to-site IPsec vpn with ISAKMP based on preshared key. Software used was racoon and isakmp.

I can second this, though I was using pre 4.9 (4.8?).    The key is to 
use "site-to-site" vs. the road warrior type configurations on the 3600.

Vendor road warrior setups I've seen tend to use a (proprietary) client 
to connect.  The client (to simplify) will do things like setup a 
SSL/TLS connection for userid/password, send info for IKE (or just a 
"pre-shared" key), policy configuration etc. via that connection and 
modify the client's default route to send everything via the IPsec 
tunnel <g>.  Then IPsec/IKE takes over.

The only had part is getting the admin for the 3600 to cooperate (e.g. 
treat my connection as different than everyone else.)


Michael C. Cambria

email : mcc at
  VoIP : sip:mcc at
   FWD : sip:63730 at

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