Problems with CARP, VLANs and em driver

Mathieu CHATEAU gollum123 at
Sun Apr 17 22:14:43 PDT 2005

Hello Eivind,

obviously you have updated your conf file to get em0 instead of xl0 ?

does each other ping the other ?

does the master stay in init or become master thinking he is alone ?

the slave is now master since you changed your card ?


Sunday, April 17, 2005, 4:01:42 PM, you wrote:

EH> Hi,

EH> I recently configured two FreeBSD 5.3 (with XL 3c905C NIC) boxes to act as
EH> one logic router (preemption) between multiple VLANs. The router
EH> has now been in production for four weeks (under heavy load, too), and I
EH> have not run into any problems what-so-ever. Failover is almost
EH> transparent, and the robustness is awesome. All in all, i'm very happy
EH> with CARP.

EH> But to provide more bandwidth to our users, I bought a Intel Pro 1000 MT
EH> (PWLA8490MT) to replace the 3Com 905c card in the master. With some
EH> hacking, I managed to get the Intel card to talk with the VLANs (had to
EH> disable VLAN hardware tagging, as this didn't work with promiscuous mode).

EH> The problem however, is that the CARP interfaces on the master does not
EH> change mode from INIT to MASTER with the Intel card installed. In other
EH> words; the master do not replace the slave.

EH> I have tried the 2.0.5 em driver from Intel (instead of the 1.7.35), but
EH> with no success. Is there some problems with the em driver and CARP,
EH> or must the master and slave have identical NICs?

EH> Regards,
EH> Eivind Hestnes

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Best regards,
 Mathieu                            mailto:gollum123 at

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