bridge and maximum MAC entries

Iasen Kostov tbyte at
Mon Nov 22 23:09:42 PST 2004

if I understand next code correctly maximum number of MACs is bound to 
maximum number of ports ?!?. Why is that ?
code from net/bridge.c:
    c[n_clusters].my_macs = (struct bdg_addr *)
            malloc(BDG_MAX_PORTS * sizeof(struct bdg_addr),
                M_IFADDR, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO);

The best will be to allocate MAC entries dynamically. But there should 
be at least another definition for
maximum MACs for port something like BDG_MAX_MACS ... which could be set 
at compile time because the current
situation doesn't make sense at least for me or possibly I misunderstand 

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