vlan module loading...

Charlie Schluting charlie at schluting.com
Fri Nov 19 07:29:05 GMT 2004

mkay, I have to ask a possibly stupid question.

There's a recent bug where freebsd hangs with if_vlan.ko loaded when 
using bpf. I'm being bitten by said bug.

BUT I have 'device vlan' in my kernel. Why is the module loading?!

rc.conf is the only thing I've modified, WRT vlan config:

dmz# grep vlan /etc/rc.conf
ifconfig_vlan2="inet netmask vlan 2 vlandev 
dhcpd_ifaces="fxp0 vlan2"

I call it vlan2 because on my switch I send vlan1 traffic untagged to 
this box. Not that it matters.

Why do I see this?:
dmz# kldstat
Id Refs Address    Size     Name
  1    2 0xc0400000 4678e4   kernel
  2    1 0xc2e60000 4000     if_vlan.ko

Running: 5.2.1-RELEASE-p9

TIA :)


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