NDIS: How can I help with these (2nd request).

Mike Silbersack silby at silby.com
Sat May 29 01:31:52 GMT 2004

On Fri, 28 May 2004, Larry Rosenman wrote:

> > Second, have you tried various versions of the windows drivers for the
> > card?  Maybe different versions of the driver have different bugs. :)
> There is only one version for this card, it's relatively new.

I think that since it supports 98/me/2K/XP that there must be multiple
versions of the driver inside the installer.  However, I can't figure out
how to extract data from the .cab files.  Did you figure out a way to
extract the driver from the cabs, or did you copy files that were
installed on the windows system you tested the card in?

Mike "Silby" Silbersack

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