Problem in Netgraph ( TESTING OF MY NODE )

Bill Fumerola billf at
Sun Mar 21 12:08:11 PST 2004

On Sun, Mar 21, 2004 at 06:34:35PM +0000, manish gautam wrote:
> How can I install ethereal on my machine using above
> said packages,? do i need more packages ?

i have nothing to say regarding netgraph, but...

tethereal is the package with just tethereal, ethereal has both tethereal
and ethereal (the gtk/x11 binary). use 'pkg_add -r' or 'portupgrade' to
take care of the dependencies rather than downloading the packages
individually. this is more than adequately covered further in the handbook.

on the topic of ethereal dependencies, [t]ethereal-lite ports are
forthcoming in the next week to build packages that have no direct
dependencies beyond glib for tethereal and gtk for ethereal.

- bill fumerola / fumerola at / billf at

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